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CES Funding Scheme

The Community Equipment Scheme (CES) is operated by The Department of Health and Human Services to provide continence supplies and equipment to Tasmanian residents with a temporary or permanent disability. The scheme aims to help people with a disability to live independently and safely in their community.

Equipment can be loaded or hired through this service. Independence Australia is an approved supplier of continence products under the CES funding scheme.

Who is eligible for CES?

Tasmanian residents living in the community who have a disability of long term or indefinite duration or require equipment as part of discharge from a hospital or residential care and are:

  • ineligible to receive equipment from other government funded programs
  • have not received compensation in respect of the injury
  • are the recipient of one of the following benefit card entitlements: Health Care Card, Pensioner Concession Card, Health Benefit Card or Interim Concession Card Entitlement

What are the costs?

Eligible clients pay the following costs for equipment:

  • $50 per year loan fee
  • $50 per year maintenance fee when maintenance of equipment is required
  • Cost of materials for home modifications
  • Ineligible clients can hire equipment for $20 per month hire fee

How do I apply for CES funding?

You must be assessed by a health professional (e.g. Occupational Therapist, Physio-therapist, Continence Nurse) who will prescribe the most appropriate equipment or continence product for you. This assessment can occur in hospitals, health centres or in your home. You can arrange for an assessment by contacting your current treating health professional, your GP, your local hospital or community health centre.

For more information about the CES scheme click here.