Rights and Responsibilities
Find out more about your rights and responsibilities:
Your rights
While accessing services from Independence Australia, you have the right to:
- confidential and considerate support
- respect for your individuality and personal preferences
- the provision of adequate information regarding all aspects of our services in easily understood and appropriate language
- participate in decision making about your support
- be assessed for access to services without discrimination
- pursue any complaint about any service without retribution
- involve an advocate of your choice
- seek an alternative service provider and cease service at any time with Independence Australia
Your responsibilities
As a consumer of services provided by Independence Australia, your responsibilities are to:
- treat staff with dignity and respect at all times
- provide a safe working environment for staff and all external providers
- provide complete and relevant information to assist us to provide appropriate services and support
- pay for services delivered within 28 days of receipt of an invoice
- acknowledge the need of the organisation to operate under the constraints of law and within the bounds of professional and ethical standards