My Aged Care (Home Care Packages)

My Aged Care home care package (HCP) is a coordinated package of care and services to help you to live independently in your own home for as long as you can.

You can choose a service provider that is right for you. The government then pays your provider a subsidy to arrange a package of care services to meet your needs.


You are eligible for Home Care Package assistance if you are 65 years or older (50 years or older for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people) and if you have:

    • noticed a change in what you can do or remember
    • been diagnosed with a medical condition or reduced mobility
    • experienced a change in family care arrangements
    • experienced a recent fall or hospital admission

Eligibility is based on an aged care assessment conducted by an assessor who discusses your care needs and then determines the level of care you need.

You can check your eligibility with My Aged Care’s online eligibility checker.

Support provided

There are 4 package levels available, and they are assigned to you based on your care needs. The current Government subsidy for each package level is:

Package level Level of care needs
Level 1 Basic care needs – $10,271.10 a year
Level 2 Low care needs – $18,063.85 a year
Level 3 Intermediate care needs – $39,310.50 a year
Level 4 High care needs – $59,593.00 a year

The subsidy covers a range of different services including:

  • bathing, hygiene and grooming
  • nursing
  • podiatry, physiotherapy, and other therapies
  • meals and food preparation
  • help with impairments or continence
  • cleaning, laundry or other chores
  • home or garden maintenance
  • changes to your home
  • aids to stay independent
  • transport
  • social outings, groups or visitors

HCP Biller Authority Deed

This Deed must be completed and submitted to Independence Australia by the Organisation responsible for paying the invoices.
This Deed will enable the Client (or their representative) to place orders.

check eligibility

How to Apply

You can apply for an assessment online here. or you can call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422.