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Mobility Aids Health Hub

From understanding the role mobility aids play in the NDIS to what to expect from rehabilitation. Our experts have put together everything you need to know about wheelchairs, mobility scooters, assistive devices and other mobility aids.

Registered NDIS Provider

Wheelchairs, Mobility Scooters, Assistive Devices & Daily Living Aids

How to be comfortable in your electric scooter

Adjusting your electric scooter to ensure your comfort needs are met can be tricky. Our experts have the comfort tips and tricks to get you started.

electric scooter

Mobility & mobility aids at home

Mobility will greatly effect the ability you or a loved one have to remain in your own home as you age. Check out our top mobility in-home tips.

Posture tips for wheelchair & scooter users

As a wheelchair or scooter user, posture is very important, for many reasons ranging from comfort to confidence. Our health expert explains.

Mobility aids & NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can be used to purchase mobility devices. Learn more on applicable ndis funding support options.

mobility aids & ndis
NDIS support

Pressure care cushions to relieve discomfort

Pressure care cushions are a great way to alleviate discomfort and pain which comes from long periods of sitting. Our mobility experts discuss.