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National Epidermolysis Bullosa Dressing Scheme (NEBDS)

National Epidermolysis Bullosa Dressing Scheme (NEBDS) supports people with Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) by improving access to subsidised wound dressings, bandages, and ancillary products. It is funded by the Australian Government and administered by Independence Australia.


Applicants must be clinically diagnosed with EB and be an Australian citizen or resident who is eligible to receive Medicare benefits.

People with all types of EB are eligible under the scheme.

Proof of diagnosis by the way of one of the following is required to support your application:

    • skin biopsy testing results, or
    • genetic testing results,or
    • genetic testing results of a family member.

 This evidence must clearly state the diagnosis and subtype of EB for the family member. Sufficient evidence of family relationship (including birth certificates) and the probability of inheritance must also be supplied.

Provisional access to the NEBDS can be provided on clinical diagnosis by an Approved Specialist Health Care Professional or a multidisciplinary EB clinic.

Note that clinical diagnosis must be followed by a skin biopsy, genetic testing or genetic tests of a family member:

    • within 6 months of provisional approval; or
    • within 3 months for a newborn

Where a new applicant’s eligibility to access the scheme is unclear (in accordance with the Eligibility Guidelines), the application can be referred to the Clinical Advisory Committee (CAC) who will assess the application and make a recommendation regarding eligibility to access the NEBDS.  Please note, in these circumstances the approved specialist health care professional is required to provide a detailed letter clearly outlining the applicant’s case, their expert opinion of the EB sub type category, and any additional supporting evidence, including clinical photographs.

A more in-depth review of the eligibility criteria is provided in the National Epidermolysis Bullosa Eligibility Guidelines.

How does the scheme work?

Under the scheme, a monthly supply of approved dressings is delivered to eligible recipients’ homes. Recipients are required to contribute to the cost of their monthly supply of dressings. This contribution is equivalent to one Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme co-payment and the Australian Government meets the remaining costs.

Recipients can order dressings up to the amount of their Standard Order prescribed by their Treating Healthcare Professional.

You can view the list of approved dressings.


How to Apply

1. Review the eligibility criteria

2. Complete the Application Form and obtain all necessary documents

3. Send the completed Application Form and all necessary documents to Independence Australia.

Click here to see full application details.

How to Order

Once your eligibility is confirmed, Independence Australia will contact you each month to confirm your order and organise your monthly contribution payment.

Independence Australia will contact you at least one week prior to the scheduled delivery date to confirm your dressing requirements for the next month and to organise payment of your Monthly Contribution. At this time, you can reduce your order or increase it (up to your Standard Order as prescribed) depending on your needs or change your delivery address.