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Your wounds and the silly season

While most people are planning to spend time with family and friends, those with current or previous chronic wounds need to consider how to balance their treatment and prevention regimes with parties, time away from home and the warmer weather.

While a chronic wound is usually present for at least one month, for many people it will be present for three months or more. Healing can often stall and people can suffer pain and infection before a wound heals. Chronic wounds can often reoccur and it can be tempting to think you need to alter your routine or miss out at this time of the year to keep your skin healthy. Chronic wounds require ongoing care and attention but it is important to also take part in the festivities this season has to offer.

A focus of wellness is an important part of chronic wound management, and planning ahead will enable you to enjoy this period. Many businesses and services are closed during the Christmas and New Year period, so accessing dressings or services might be limited.

If you have a wound, ask yourself

  • Do you have your GP or nursing visits booked in now? If you attend your own dressings, do you know if your GP is closed over this period? If your wound changed and you needed to see someone, do you have the practice name and number? Consider writing this on your fridge or have the information in your wallet.
  • Do you have extra dressing supplies? You may need to change your dressing more frequently in the hot weather, and many businesses are closed. Having a two week supply will mean that you don’t have to change management if you run out of dressings over this period.
  • If you are going away, do you have the GP practice number that is close to your holiday location? Do you have a current summary of your medical history? Write down your current wound plan and medications and keep them with you if you go away.

Taking 10 minutes now to consider potential issues and how you can respond to wound changes will limit the wound’s impact on your plans for the festive season.

Author: Sarah Sage is a Clinical Nurse Consultant-Wound Management, Coordinator Chronic Wound Service/Wound CNC team at Melbourne Health.

What’s next?

Independence Australia stocks a range of hydrocolloid dressings products.

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