Top festive injuries and how to avoid them
Ladder injuries
One of the main reasons people will end with injuries over the festive period is due to falls from ladders. According to the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, nearly 5,000 Australians are admitted to hospital each year as a result of ladder falls with men over the age of 60 most at risk. If you go to great heights to take your Christmas decorations to the next level, think about how you can take a safer approach.
You don’t have to fall very far to injure yourself, if you or a loved one experience a fall, follow the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) method to reduce swelling and ease pain. It’s always handy to keep a Hot/Cold Pack in the freezer to ice those hard hits. Share the love and decorate with some company and make sure that if you are using a ladder that you check your surface is stable. Christmas time is always more enjoyable when working in unison with your friends and family.
Lights, safety, action!
In Australia, the fake-tree is fast becoming the preferred staple of Christmas. Whether you have opted for a fibre optic masterpiece or a DIY decked in lights, it’s wise to check if your tree is made from fire resistant material and that your beloved lights are still safe to use.
Some older houses in Australia don’t have sufficient power points to enable your light show. Abundant extension leads mixed with power boards can be a recipe for disaster, never plug one power board into another to increase the number of sockets available as this could cause a fire in your home.
To avoid electrical injuries, make sure your power supplies are of quality standard and be sensible when firing up your Christmas masterpiece.
The gift of giving
If you’re giving the gift of wheels this year, be sure to tack a helmet onto the present list too. The buzz and excitement of Christmas can lead the little ones wanting to try out their new gifts right away.
Amongst the whirlwind, endeavour to not only supervise them, but enjoy their presents by their side. Teaching them the basics of safety revolving around their new toys and gadgets with them may help prevent incidents in the future and although Christmas often brings out the inner child in us, think carefully before you try out your children’s toys for yourself.
We all know the excitement that can ensue when it comes to unwrapping, it isn’t just the toys that can cause injury. Papercuts are among the most common minor injury when it comes to Christmas, remind those little elf’s that those presents aren’t going anywhere fast.
Although prevention is always better than cure, slip-ups are bound to happen. By keeping an up-to-date First Aid Kit in your house, you will be always be equipped to treat small emergencies when they occur.

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Safety feast
Christmas isn’t Christmas without a feast, right? When cooking for the whole family, the pressure can sometimes take your stress to the next level.
Whether it’s the prized ham or turkey, or an Australian classic BBQ that’s on the menu; remember to take the heat off yourself by stepping back and taking a few well-earned breaths when preparing the festive feast. Burn injuries can happen to even the most careful hands.
It’s important to address even the most minor burns immediately by running them under cool water and applying a hydrogel burn dressing; this will relieve pain, keep the area cool and minimize further tissue damage. Burnaid Fast Relief Kit contains both a hydrogel dressing an antiseptic burn gel to keep your burns hydrated and promote a speedy recovery.
Burns are not the only concern to consider when cooking for the family – food poisoning affects 4.1 million Aussies over the festive season. Causes can come from food preparation to snacking at that cheese platter that’s been left out for a few too many hours. If you find yourself falling ill after some dodgy food at Christmas, keeping yourself hydrated with electrolytes is key.
Careful hand washing etiquette will also prevent transfer of germs and harmful bacteria from your hands to your food. Always wash your hands before and during food preparation and if you’re on the go, opt for alcohol-based hand sanitiser keep those mitts clean at all times.
Despite our top tips to help avoid these summer safety hazards, and although most minor injuries can be prevented, accidents can still happen.
If yourself or a loved one are injured and require medical attention, don’t hesitate to call 000 immediately. The most important thing to remember is to stay close to your loved ones and always keep an eye out for each other.