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Independence Australia Group to continue the work of the Robert Rose Foundation

Independence Australia Group will continue the work of the Robert Rose Foundation following an announcement that the Foundation, created in 1999, is about to close.

In announcing the closure, Robert Rose Foundation Director Peter Rose stated, “Soon after my brother Robert Rose’s death in 1999, Independence Australia (then ParaQuad Victoria) was approached by the family and proposed a new charity named after him to assist those with spinal cord injuries.”

Over the years, the Robert Rose Foundation has supported the spinal cord injury community through grants, psychological services and research, and wheelchair football.

Robert Rose Foundation Victorian Wheelchair Football League

Robert Rose Foundation Victorian Wheelchair Football League

“Now, in the age of the NDIS, the foundation’s work is largely achieved,” said Peter Rose. “Twenty-five years on, the wheel has come full circle. As we close the Foundation, we are pleased to assist Independence Australia. The Robert Rose Foundation is proud to have contributed to the provision of psychological services to the spinal cord injury community and are delighted to be able to assist in this vital work in perpetuity. When Robert became a quadriplegic in 1974, no counselling was available to him or his young family. No program has been dearer to our hearts at the Robert Rose Foundation.”

All remaining Robert Rose Foundation funds will help Independence Australia fund vital psychology and counselling services.

Peter Sally and Lachlan Rose-2023 Robert Rose Cup

Peter, Salli and Lachlan Rose presenting the 2023 Robert Rose Cup.

CEO of Independence Australia Group, Mr Peter Turner, shared, “Independence Australia has been honoured to work with the Robert Rose Foundation over many years to support people with a spinal cord injury. We are pleased to continue the foundation’s legacy and will contribute their donated funds to support Independence Australia’s psychology and counselling services”.

Beyond the closure of the foundation, Robert Rose’s legacy – and the Rose family’s contributions – will continue to be recognised as integral supporters of vital psychology and counselling services to support people with an acquired disability, as well as people who have been living with a disability since birth, and their families.

If you would like to support the continued delivery of psychology and counselling services, and continuation of Robert Rose’s legacy, please consider donating to Independence Australia. All donations over $2 are tax deductible and welcomed.Visit independenceaustralia.com.au/donate or contact us on 0412 107 013.