Creating your own First Aid Kit A first aid kit is a must-have for every household. Injuries, both minor and major, can arise at any time. Being ready for some of the surprises that life can throw your way is essential, especially if you have children or elderly...
Products To Don & Doff Compression Stockings Compression stockings will often sit at a mid to high price point, leaving many users looking for ways to ensure their investment is easy to use and lasts. Fortunately, there are many products on the market which...
Table of content Q c × Skin repair: Delayed wound healing or chronic woundsFactors that may delay wound healingNutritionHygieneProtection Skin repair: Delayed wound healing or chronic wounds When managing wound care, there are two types of wounds that can occur,...
Skin lacerations and abrations The skin is the largest organ of the body, and it is the first line of defense against disease and any breach in skin integrity has the potential to develop an infection1. The skin has several important functions, it protects the body...
Sharps injuries: Who is at risk and what to do? Sharps injuries, also called needlestick injuries, are those that occur when the skin is accidentally punctured by a used needle or a scalpel. These types of injuries are serious because of the potential for blood-borne...
Table of content Q c × What is Wound Debridement?What is non-viable tissue?To debride or not debride?Types of wound debridement:Is wound debridement painful?Can I debride a wound myself? What is Wound Debridement? Debridement is a French word that literally...